Beautiful love

every beautiful thought long gone
drifts in the deep atmosphere
mingling with the myriad 
fragments of existence
it floats past forgotten dreams 
and lost fleeting moments
becoming part of the unknown
that holds anything and everything 

in this vast expanse
beauty finds a quiet eternal home
and even in this infinite space
I still find that
in you



The Promise

in a sea of emerald blades
there stood a solitary dandelion
its delicate petals a whispered secret 
against the azure sky
its golden crown swayed 
with the gentle breeze
scattering dreams into the open meadow
each petal held the promise 
of her undying love 
waiting to be carried away on a breath
hoping to find its way to him


in the quiet echoes of goodbye
I learned the art of releasing 
like autumn leaves 
surrendering to the wind
I let go
feeling the weight of memories 
gently flutter away
in that bittersweet moment
I found solace in the unraveling 
of our intertwined hearts
and the weight of a thousand unspoken truths
rushed through me
as I whispered goodbye
to the only love I’ve ever known

Fading love

as the seasons turn
and the winds whisper
secrets of change 
the once beautiful love
began to fade
shadows crept upon the landscape
casting doubt upon the sunlit paths

now in the silence 
of what once was
only fragments remain
a whisper in the breeze 
a faint echo of laughter
and your beautiful soul
stitched so tightly 
to my very own

Trails of euphoria

with closed eyes
I lose myself in the depths 
of your essence 
feeling your love
seep into my very being 
it’s as if your soul 
dances gracefully within mine
leaving trails of euphoria 
in its wake 
your whispers 
soft like the breeze 
brush against my skin 
igniting a spark 
that electrifies my senses
making love 
to more than my body
and I know that no one else
will ever live inside me
the way you do

Memories of you and I

in the corners of my mind
there exists a delicate treasure
memories of you and I
vibrant and alive
I hold them tightly
unwilling to let time's relentless grasp
steal them away
from me
from us
every detail
every single line of us
is etched into my existence
for in this memory
I find a fleeting glimpse of eternity
and there is where I want to be
with only you


fingers trace 
constellations on my skin
mapping a path to hearts 
that beat in rhythm
promises are whispered 
into the folds of darkness 
carried by the winds to be woven
into dreams that linger 
far beyond the night’s end
the night held 
a silent understanding 
that words cannot capture 
a canvas where we are painted 
with the brushstrokes 
of stolen moments

and I know
that as darkness comes
there is nowhere else
I’d rather be
than with you

I choose you

in a thousand lifetimes
across endless realms
amidst shifting tides of reality 
my love for you remains a constant
in every form I take 
my heart seeks yours 
with an intensity 
that transcends time itself 
in every universe 
in every dimension 
our souls entwine 
bound by a love that defies 
the constraints of mortal existence
forever and always
in a thousand lifetimes
I choose you

Fading ember

in the quiet of twilight
we found each other
like two shooting stars 
colliding in the vast expanse 
of the night sky
our love
a fleeting flame
danced with the winds of time 
igniting our souls with an intensity 
that burned brightly but briefly
we savored the fleeting moments
knowing that our love 
was but a fading ember 
in this infinite space of time
and as the dawn approached
we parted ways
our hearts heavy
with the bittersweet ache 
of a love too beautiful to last